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Тема: The role of articles in English. Kinds of articles

Каталог пособий и учебных материалов | Английский язык | Курсовая | Страниц: 26 | Год: 2010 | Размер: 66 кб. | Стоимость: 150 грн. | Смотреть | Купить

The role of articles in English. Kinds of articles

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………….. 2
1. The article ……………………………………………………………………… 4
2. Functions of articles ……………………………………………………………
2.1. Functions of the indefinite articles ………………………………………….
2.2. Functions of the definite articles ……………………………………………
2.3. Functions of the zero articles ………………………………………………. 15
Conclusions ……………………………………………………………………….. 26
Bibliography ……………………………………………………………………….. 27
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The article. Ways of translating them into Ukrainian

Content Introduction 2 1. The Role of Article in Language 3 1.1. The notion of article 3 1.2. The Logics of the Articles 4 1.3. Definite Article the 5 1.3.1. Etymology 5 1.3.2. Usage of the definite articles 6 1.3.2. Reduction and omission 9 1.4. Indefinite Article 10 1.4.1. Juncture loss 10 1.4.2. Discrimination between a and an 11 1.5. Usage of the Articles 12 2. Ways of Translating English Articles into Ukrainian 16 2.1. Translation transformations as the means of rendering the meaning 16 2.2. The correlation of the articles functions and the type of transformation. 19 2.3. Translation of articles with the proper names. 22 Conclusions 24 List of Literature 26 Іllustrations 28 Введение 1. Роль артикля в языке 1.1. Понятие артикля 1.2. Суть артикля 1.3. Определенный артикль 1.3.1. Этимология 1.3.2. Использование определенных артиклей 1.3.2. Сокращение и опущение 1.4. Неопределенный артикль 1.4.1. Потеря связки 1.4.2. Различия между a and an 1.5. Использование артиклей 1.2. Особенности перевода английских артиклей на украинский язык Заключение

Ways of translating English lexically meaning of articles into Ukrainian

Foreword 3 Chapter I. ARTICLE - AS A GRAMMATICAL PHENOMENON. 5 1.1. Number and meaning of articles. 5 1.2. The use of the indefinite article a (an) 9 1.3. The use of the definite article the. 12 1.4. The use of zero article or the meaningful absence of the article 14 Chapter II. LEXICO-GRAMATICAL ASPECT OF THE TRANSLATION OF ARTICLES 17 2.1. Rendering of the contextual meaning of the definite and indefinite articles 17 2.2. Contextual meanings of the definite article. 20 2.3. Contextual meanings of the indefinite article. 22 Conclusion. 26 Literature. 28

Планувальна організація території рекреаційної зони

Використана література: 1. Тоффлер А. Футурошок. - Спб.: “Лань”, 1999. 2. www.navigator.kz/articles 3. Черевичко Т.В. Економіка туризму. - Саратов: Научна книга, 2000.

History of English

Contents. Introduction. 3 Old English (449 - 1066 CE) 3 Middle English (1066 - 1500 CE) 5 Early Modern English (1500 – to present day) 7 English nowadays. 9 References. 11

History of English

Introduction. 3 Old English (449 - 1066 CE) 3 Middle English (1066 - 1500 CE) 6 Early Modern English (1500 – to present day) 9 References. 11


1. Семенова Н.И, Чичеров А.И. Индия – союз штатов. М:Наука, 1996 г. 2. Налоговая система Индии.// http://dit.perm.ru/articles/nalog/data/031212.htm 3. История государства и права зарубежных стран. Часть 2. Под ред. О.А. Жидкова. М: НОРМА-ИНФРА, 1998 4. Гражданское и торговое право зарубежных стран./ Под. ред. М.И.Кулагина, К:ВШ, 1998 5. Плешкова Н. Нотаріат в Україні.

The company I work in

The company I work in I work in “Venta” close corporation that is established on basis of articles of incorporation from 06.12.1994 between citizeness of Bulgaria Beleva Vena Grigorova and citizen of Bulgaria Tanev Georgi Tzankov. “Venta” close corporation follows in corpore the company law, enterprise law, property law of Ukraine, international agreements, other acts of law and Statute during its activity....

Типологічна характеристика дієслова

INTODUCTION 3 Part 1. NOTION OF THE ENGLISH VERB 5 1.1 Verb as a part of speech in English ……………………………………...5 1.2. Grammatical categories of the modern English verb 6 Part 2. VERB CLASSES IN MODERN ENGLISH 8 2.1. Structural types of the English verbs 8 2.2. Functional types of the English verb 10 2.3. Classes of notional verbs 12 2.3.1. Types of verbs according to the subject-predicate relations 12 2.3.2. Aspective types of the English verbs 14 2.3.3. Distributional verbal types 16 2.4. Problem of allocating the verbs to the definite classes 19 CONCLUSIONS 21 BIBLIOGRAPHY 23 Subject of the present investigation is the English verb. Object is its typological classes Goal of this paper is to investigate the main typological classes of the English verb and to distinguish their peculiarities. This goal led to solving the number of definite tasks: - to define the verb as part of speech; - to describe it from the point of view of its categories; - to distinguish its formal, semantic and functional types in the English language; - to analyze their typical features. Our course paper consists of an introduction, two main parts with subparts, conclusions and bibliography. The introduction defines the topicality of the research, subject and object, formulates its goal and tasks. The first part – “Notion of the English verb” – provides the main notions about the verb, defines it as a part of speech and reviews its categorical characteristics. The second part – “Verb classes in modern English” deals with the typological classification of English verbs form the point of view of their form, morphological structure, semantics, lexical meaning and function The conclusions infer certain final results of the research.

Lexico-Semantic Characteristics of Borrowed Words in Modern English

Introduction 1 Chapter 1. Lexico-Semantic Characteristics of Borrowed Words in Modern English 3 1.2. The Definition of Term “Borrowed Words” 7 1.2. The Types of Borrowed Words in English 11 1.1.1 Scandinavian Borrowings 11 1.2.2. French borrowings 12 1.2.3. Latin Borrowings. 14 1.2.4. Greek borrowings 16 1.3. The Criteria of Borrowings 17 Chapter II Textual Characteristics of Borrowed Words in Morden English 20 Conclusions 28 Bibliography 29

Англійська мова

Variant III I Paraphrase the following using the Objective Participle Complex. 1. We watched them as they were playing hockey... II Find the mistakes in the sentences and correct them. 1. If I am a student, I would study all the subjects day and night. ... III Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones using the Absolute Participle Complex. 1. As his mother teaches English, he knows the language very well. ... IV Fill in the proper form of modal verbs. 1. Our students can read and speak English. V Translate into English. 1. Я не можу знайти свій записник. Ти, можливо залишив його біля телефону. ..