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Тема: The methods of teaching the lexicology at the High School

Каталог пособий и учебных материалов | Английский язык | Контрольная | Страниц: 13 | Год: 2009 | Размер: 25 кб. | Стоимость: 75 грн. | Смотреть | Купить

The methods of teaching the lexicology at the High School

The Introduction 3
1. The Lexicology as a subject of teaching 4
2. The Experimental teaching of discipline the lexicology of English language by modular-rating system 6
The Conclusion 12
The Literature 13

Cмотрите также:
The methods of teaching of grammar in the Higher School

The Introduction 3 1. The Methodical bases of teaching of the English grammar 4 2. The Modern approaches to English grammar studying 10 The Conclusion 14 The Literature 15

: Are the differences between nation-states more significant than the similarities? Yavlyayutsya li razlichiya mezhdu gosudarstvami bole glubokimi chem shodstva?

Contents: 1. Nation, state, nation-state. 2. National political systems in comparison. 3. Modern classifying systems in comparison. 4. Methods and approaches of nation-states comparison.

Характеристика системы английских словарей


Лингвостилистические особенности перевода фразеологических единиц в текстах публицистического стиля Лігнвостилістичні особливості перекладу фразеологічних одиниць у текстах публіцистичного стилю Linguistic and Stylistic Pecularities of Phraseological Units Translation in Newspaper Style

CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3 CHAPTER I. THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL BASIS OF PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS RESEARCH 6 1.1 The Term of Phraseological Unit 6 1.2 Structure and classification of phraseological units 11 CHAPTER II. TRANSFORMATION OF PHRASEOLOCICAL UNITS IN NEWSPAPER STYLE 22 2.1 Language peculiarities of English newspapers 22 2.2 Pecularities of phraseological units use in newspaper style and notion of transformation 26 CHAPTER III. GENERAL METHODS AND PROBLEMS OF PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS TRANSLATION IN NEWSPAPER STYLE 34 3.1 Phraseological units in the context of translation 34 3.2 Phraseological and non-phraseological translation 42 3.4 Grammer and lexical difficulties of transformation 47 CONCLUSIONS 61 LIST OF REFERENCES 65 ANNEX 71

Контрольна робота з Англійської мови

1. Прочитайте текст, перекладіть усно українською мовою та дайте письмовий переклад 3 і 4 абзаців…………………………………………………………………….3 2. Доберіть до слів з тексту синоніми…………………………………………....3 3. Доповніть речення словами з тексту…………………………………………..4 4. Поставте 10 питань до тексту………………………………………………….4 5. Вставте потрібні займенники …………………………………………………4 6. Перефразуйте речення, вживаючи to have……………………………………4 7. Вставте замість крапок одне з поданих дієслів у формі Present Indefinite….4 8. Поставте речення в Future Indefinite ………………………………………….5 9. Вставте замість крапок одне з поданих дієслів у формі Past Indefinite.…….5 10. Поставте по 4 типи запитань до кожного речення………………………….5 Виконання …………………………………………………………………………6 1. Прочитайте текст, перекладіть усно українською мовою та дайте письмовий переклад 3 і 4 абзаців. Cost Accounting It is fairly easy to calculate the prime cost or direct cost of a manufactured article. This is the sum of the direct costs of the raw materials or components that make up the product and the labour required to produce it, which, of course, vary directly with production. For example, if you produce 500 wooden doorknobs, each one requiring 100 grams of wood and taking the machine operator two minutes to make, you can easily calculate the direct cost. But to this have to be added all the factory’s overheads – rent or property taxes, electricity for lighting and heating, the price of the machine used, the maintenance department, the stores, the canteen, and so on. There are also lots of other expenses of running a business that cannot be charged to any one product, process or department, and companies have to price their products in such a way as to cover their administration and selling expenses the finance department, the research and development department, and so on. Various methods can be used to allocate all these expenses to the selling price of different products. One of these is job-order cost accounting, which involves establishing a price for an individual item or a particular batch (a quantity of goods assembled or manufactured together). This is impossible where production involves a continuous process as with steel, flour, or cement. In this case companies often use process cost accounting, which determines costs over a given period of time. Finally, where a company does not want to calculate the price of specific orders or processes, it can use costing or absorption costing, which allocates all fixed and variable costs to the company’s products. 2. Доберіть до слів з тексту синоніми: overhead, price, a particular batch, expense, charge, sum, vary, determine, allocate, product. 3. Доповніть речення словами з тексту: - Manufactures have to find a way of … all fixed and … costs to their various products. - They have to cover the factory’s …, and things like administration and selling … - The direct cost of … and labor is easy to calculate. 4. Поставте 10 питань до тексту. 5. Вставте потрібні займенники. 1. If you give … address, … shall write to … 2. I know this woman. … works at the factory with my mother. 3. If I see Helen, I’ll ask … to ring … up tomorrow. 4. I like this radio set very much. Where did you buy … ? 5. You are to be here at 7. We’ll be waiting for … . 6. Перефразуйте речення, вживаючи to have. 1. The driver was obliged to stop the car. 2. The teacher was obliged to give him a “two”. 3. I’ll be obliged to expel you from the circle. 4. The woman was obliged to lock the door. 5. I was obliged to repeat my question. 7. Вставте замість крапок одне з поданих дієслів у формі Present Indefinite. take, fly, live, spend, go, work, want, live, read, study 1. Her mother …. at a textile factory. 2. Many birds …. to the south in autumn. 3. Her parents … in a village. 4. My school-mates … to the theatre in the evening. 5. They … newspapers in the reading-room. 8. Поставте речення в Future Indefinite. 1. They have already discussed the novel. 2. He did not give me his address. 3. She showed him the way to the metro station. 4. He introduce me to his friend. 5. They are building a bridge over the river. 9. Вставте замість крапок одне з поданих дієслів у формі Past Indefinite. dictate, like, be, have, know, be, go, watch, be come 1. She didn’t … to the University last week. 2. She … very tired yesterday. 3. They … no English classes yesterday. 4. He didn’t … TV last night. 5. She … married at that time. 10. Поставте по 4 типи запитань до кожного речення. 1. This designer works in our company. 2. Last year my elder brother worked in NBC. 3. The students of our unversity will take part an international competition next year.

Переклад. Англійська. Контрольна

Exercise 3. Complete the given paragraph about yourself. Speak about your biography. MY BIOGRAPHY My name is _____. I was born in ______ in the town of ______ in a family of _______ (workers, farmers, office workers). My family is (not) large. It consists of _____ people. I have a mother, a father, a sister, … My mother’s (father’s, sister’s, brother’s) name is _____. She/he is ____ years old. She/he works at a plant (factory, office). She/he is a _____ by profession. We live in a private house (modern high-rise / many-storied building). Our house / flat has ____ rooms: a dining-room/ sitting-room/ living-room/ bedroom/ nursery; and there is also a kitchen, a bathroom, a large corridor and a good balcony. There are all modern conveniences in our flat: gas, running cold and hot water and central heating. Our house/ flat is not very large but comfortable. In 19 __ I entered secondary school which I finished in 19__. (Then I worked as a worker at a big plant and served in the ranks of the army/ studied at technical school). In ____ I successfully passed my entrance exams to the National University of Food Technologies which is in 68, Volodymirska Street and now I am a first-year student of the extra-mural faculty. I major in ______. I am interested in art, literature and music. I often visit museums, theatres, cinemas and exhibitions. I am also fond of sports, tennis and football especially. Upon graduating from the University I will work as an engineer/ production manager/ technologist/ process(ing) engineer at some enterprise of food industry. Module 2 MY NATIVE TOWN Study the vocabulary native/ home town рідне місто ancient стародавній anniversary річниця places of interest визначні місця castle замок residental area житловий масив enterprise підприємство works завод, майстерні spacious просторий mill фабрика twin-town місто-побратим settlement селище puppet theatre ляльковий театр kindergarten дитячий садочок Exercise 1. Read and translate the following text. My native town is Grodno. It’s an ancient town. Not long ago it celebrated its 850th anniversary. The town of Grodno is situated on the river Neman. The river divides it into two parts. The older part of the town lies on the right bank of the Neman. Here you can see the old castle where kings once lived. Now it is a historic-archaeological museum. On the banks of the Neman one can also see modern apartment houses, offices and different architectural monuments. Among them there is a 17th century Roman Catholic church. Grodno is a fast-growing town. It’s a regional centre with the population of over 250,000 people. There are some big plants here and some smaller factories. The largest enterprises are: the “Azot” Works, the Footwear Factory, the Synthetic Fibre Mill, the Fine Cloth Mill, etc. There are several residential areas in our town. Every district has schools, kindergartens, shops, everyday services. The people of Grodno are very fond of their Zoo, the only Zoo in Belarus. Here you can see animals from all geographical regions of the world. Grodno is a big cultural centre. There are three institutions of higher education, many schools, technical colleges, some cinemas, drama and puppet theatres. There are also many public gardens and parks there. The newly built streets are wide and specious, lined with trees and flowers. The streets of the old part of the town are not very wide, but they are clean and green. One of the main streets in Grodno is Ozheshko Street. Here one can see a small old house. It is the house where Eliza Ozheshko, a famous democratic writer, lived and worked. Now it is a museum and a memorial library of foreign literature. Not far from it there is a monument to Eliza Ozheshko. It is interesting to know that Grodno has a twin-town in France. It’s Limoges, an industrial centre with the population of about 200,000 people. Exercise 1. Read and translate the following text. National University of Food Technologies There are 111 higher educational establishments in Kyiv and among them is The National University of Food Technologies which is in 68 Volodymyrska Street. It was founded in 1930 as the Kyiv Institute of Sugar Refinery Production and had 2 departments with 400 students. Now NUFT is the only technical university in Ukraine which provides training of highly skilled specialists in 25 specialities and 15 specializations for food, meat, dairy, pharmaceutical, microbiological and other branches of agro-industrial complex as well as for food machine building of Ukraine. About 10 thousand students study at the University at its full time departments as well as by correspondence. NUFT is a higher educational institution of the 4th level of accreditation. Training of students is provided at 8 departments (37 chairs). In 1998 Simpheropol Technical School of food production was incorporated to the University with a college status. The University chairs have 24 branches and 8 research and production complexes in leading enterprises, planning and research establishments. 3 research and production centres have been recently founded. Preliminary department and short-time preliminary courses of the University train entrants for higher educational institutions. The NUFT occupies 9 buildings where there are many lecture-halls, classrooms, laboratories and workshops, six computer centres with more than 30 computer classes. There is a special building for the library and reading-halls where our students usually prepare their homework and read up for their credits and exams. The students of the University are provided with 5 hostels, sports and recreation facilities. Our University trains specialists for various branches of food industry such as bread making, brewing, meat and dairy processing, sugar refining as well as engineers in thermal-engineering, mechanical engineers and economists at the departments of - technology of sugary substances, - technology of fermentative and bakery production, - technology of meat and dairy production, - economics and management, - accounting, finance and entrepreneurial activity, - power engineering, - automation and computer systems, - mechanical department. Each department has its own Dean's office. During junior years our students study basic subjects such as history, mathematics, physics, chemistry, descriptive geometry, technical drawing, strength of materials, elements of machines and one of the foreign languages. During senior years our students pay more attention to the study of the subjects closely connected with their future specialities. The study of theory is accompanied by practical training at specially equipped labs and workshops, then in experimental sugar refinery and later on at various enterprises of food industry. Twice a year our students take their credits and exams. Our students do not only study, they take the most active part in doing research in the students' scientific society; they participate in social life of our University; they go in for various kinds of sport and take part in amateur art activities. The fourth year is devoted to practical training and to the work at the graduation thesis. After successful presenting a graduation thesis or sitting for the State exams students receive diplomas which qualify them to work in the field for which they have been trained and are awarded a Bachelor's Degree. Those students, who want to get a Specialists or Master's Degree, continue their studies during the fifth and sixth years. Upon graduating from our University they get appointments in every corner of our country. Wherever they work, they are promoters of modern food production and technology. Exercise 1. Read, translate and retell the text. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. It is a large political, industrial, scientific and cultural centre. It is the biggest city in Ukraine, its population is above 2.600.000 inhabitants. Kyiv is situated on the Dnipro, the longest river in Ukraine. The city is well known for its picturesque green hills, parks and gardens and for its Khreshchatik Street - the main thoroughfare of the city. Kyiv is a large industrial centre. Complex automatic lathes, excavators, sea and river ships, airliners, motorcycles, electric measuring instruments and many other goods are produced in Kyiv. New Metro lines are being built to connect industrial and new residential regions with the centre of the city. Kyiv is also a large centre of science and national Ukrainian culture. The Academy of Sciences, many research institutes, universities, technical and vocational and hundreds of general secondary schools, gymnasiums and lyceums are located in the city. The famous Kyiv Schevchenko Opera and Ballet House, the Kyiv Ivan Franko Drama Theatre, the Lesya Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre and other theatres, museums, a lot of cinemas, clubs, hundreds of libraries are also there. There are many monuments in Kyiv. Among them the monuments to B.Khmelnitsky, T.G.Shevchenko, A.Pushkin and many others can be seen in the city. Speaking about Kyiv it is necessary to add that the city is famous also for its historical places. The city of Kyiv is one of the oldest cities of Europe. The history of Kyiv dates back to the end of the 5th century. And during a long period of time Kyiv was the Mother of Russian cities, the capital of the first old Russ state or Kievan Russ. Among the historical monuments of Kyiv one can enjoy the St. Sophia Cathedral, the Golden Gates, the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. Ancient, yet ever young, the city of Kyiv with its wonderful buildings, straight broad streets, numerous green parks, historical and architectural monuments will always be one of the most beautiful cities of the world.

англійська мова вар 16

III семестр IV варіант 1. Прочитайте текст і дайте його письмовий переклад. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY The microchip revolution is having a huge impact on modern business. While the advent of completely automated (robotized) production systems is producing ..... 2. Дайте відповіді на запитання. 1. What benefits as an individual do you expect from the increasing use of computers in our society? 2. What do you see as the major problem arising from the increasing use of computers? For example, do you think they depersonalize work? What dangers do you see with respect to possible computer frauds? Do you see any military implications? 3. Do you think the microchip revolution has created unemployment? If so, what do you as an answer to the problem? Shorter working weeks? Work sharing? Earlier retirement? 4. How do you think satellite communications can be useful to: a) multinational corporations b) companies providing information on world events for newspapers and television news and entertainment c) educational establishments? 3. Поясніть англійською мовою значення слів і словосполучень. 1) a wide range of operations means a broad line of processes, methods, or series ............ 4. Доберіть синоніми до слів з тексту. 1) modern business – an up-to-date trade ............. 5. Поставте дієслова в дужках у формі Present Perfect або Past Simple 6. Поставте дієслова в дужках в одній з часових форм: past perfect cont., past simple, present perfect, past perfect, present perfect cont., past perfect cont. 7. Перекладіть наступні речення англійською мовою. 1. Ми з вашим братом говорили про це сьогодні. Тому я й прийшов порадитись з вами. .... 8. Напишіть подані речення в пасивному стані, вживаючи правильну часову форму. 1. They have cancelled the meeting. .... 10. Перекладіть речення англійською мовою. 1. Мене запитали, чи ми підемо в театр. ...

Контрольная с английского языка

I. Заполните пропуски, вставив подходящую по смыслу форму глагола (Past Simple или Present Perfect) 4 II. Переведите, обращая внимание на разные способы будущего времени 5 III. Поставьте, стоящие в скобках глаголы в правильную форму, Present Simple или Past Simple, Active или Passive 6 IV. Переведите, используя страдательный залог 7 V. Переведите, употребляя The Past Continuous Tense 8 VI. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя The Future Continuous Tense 8 VII. Перевести, используя правило согласования времен 9 VIII. Переведите, используя The Present Perfect Tense 9 Контрольная робота № 5 По английскому языку I. Заполните пропуски, вставив подходящую по смыслу форму глагола (Past Simple или Present Perfect) 1. I English since 1991. (to study) 2. We _____________English at school. (to study) 3. From 1991 to 1992 Jim as a customs officer. (to work) 4. He __________ three hours ago and yet. (to go out, to return) 5. When he was a sales representative, he twelve hours a day. (to work) 6. I very busy all this week. (to be) 7. How many pages you ? (to read) 8. How much you at your last job? (to get) 9. Where all the managers ? (to go) 10. I home at 5 o'clock yesterday. (to go) 11. Last summer Jim and Jane to the conference in New-York together. (to travel) 12. He _________________his work yet and is not ready to go with us. (not to finish) II. Переведите, обращая внимание на разные способы будущего времени. 1. У вас завтра будет много работы? - Да. 2. Он не будет дома в 8 часов. 3. Она вернется в понедельник. 4. Завтра я буду играть с Томом в шахматы. 5. Я собираюсь вечером пойти к своему другу. 6. В апреле они поедут в Минск. 7. Сколько времени вы собираетесь оставаться здесь? 8. Джек приезжает сегодня вечером. Вы будете встречать его? 9. Я сделаю это, когда вернуcь. 10. На следующей неделе я собираюсь пойти в школу. 11. Мы увидимся в министерстве. 12. Пока я буду переводить статью, повтори новый урок. 13. Вечером мы не пойдем гулять, мы будем смотреть телевизор. 14. В будущем году мы собираемся поехать в Киев. 15. Эти вопросы мы обсудим завтра утром. III. Поставьте, стоящие в скобках глаголы в правильную форму, Present Simple или Past Simple, Active или Passive. 1. It's a big factory. Five hundred people are employed (employ) there. 2. Water (cover) most of the Earth's surface. 3. Most of the Earth's surface (cover) by water. 4. The park dates (lock) at 6.30 p.m. every evening. 5. The letter………….(post) a week ago and it (arrive) yesterday. 6. The boat (sink) quickly but fortunately everybody (rescue). 7. Ron's parents (die) when he was very young. Me and his sister (bring) up by their grandparents. 8. I was born in London but I…………….(grow) up in the north of England. 9. While I was on holiday, my camera…………..(steal) from my hotel room. 10. While I was on holiday, my camera…………..(disappear) from my hotel room. 11. Why.... (Sue / resign) from her job? Didn't she enjoy it? 12. Why.... (Bill I sack) from his job? What did he do wrong? 13. The company is not independent. It………….(own) by a much larger company. 14. I saw am accident last night. Somebody……………….(call) an ambulance but nobody.. (injure) so the ambulance…………………(not / need). 15. Where (these photographs / take)? In London? (you/take) them? IV. Переводите, используя страдательный залог. 1. Сейчас я читаю книгу, о которой много говорят. 2. Его слова были выслушаны с интересом. 3. Я не люблю, когда на меня смотрят. 4. О нем не говорили на собрании. 5. За цветами уже послали. 6. На нее всегда смотрят на улице, 7. Почему ему еще не написали? 8. На картину смотрели с интересом 9. Она больна. Почему еще не послали за врачом? 10. За такси пошлют после того, как будут упакованы все вещи. V. Переведите, употребляя The Past Continuous Tense. 1. Я спешил на работу, когда встретил своего старого друга. 2. Когда зазвонил телефон, они обсуждали этот вопрос. 3. Когда я вышел из комнаты, они играли в шахматы. 4. Они сидели за столом, когда я начал рассказывать эту историю, 5. В 10 утра мы слушали радио. 6. Мы путешествовали, когда получили письмо от родителей. 7. Мы ходили по магазинам, когда увидели его. 8. Он вошел в комнату и увидел, что отец читает газету. 9. Вы переводили статью или готовились к контрольной в 2 часа? - Я готовился к контрольной. 10. Когда я подошел к нему, он загорал. VI. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя The Future Continuous Tense. 1. Завтра в это время они будут играть в футбол. 2. Когда мы приедем в Ригу, они будут встречать нас на вокзале. 3. В это время на следующей неделе мы будем путешествовать. 4. Она будет заниматься английским с 9 до 11? - Да. 5. Мы придем в 5 часов. - Хорошо, я буду вас ждать. 6. Что будут делать дети, когда мы придем домой? - Они буду! обедать. 7. Он придет к нам на этой неделе. 8. Я думаю, мы встретимся со своими друзьями через несколько дней. 9. Вы увидите их во время отпуска? - Надеюсь, увижу. VII. Перевести, используя правило согласования времен. 1. Мать надеялась, что сын вернется через неделю. 2. Отец сказал, что наши друзья приедут в субботу. 3. Родители думали, что врач осмотрит ребенка немедленно. 4. Мы надеялись, что вечером сможем пойти в кино. 5. Я не знал, что твои друзья приедут отдыхать без тебя. 6. Отец сказал нам, что мы будем делать в субботу. 7. Мы планировали и надеялись, что поедем в отпуск в конце недели. 8. Я думал, что у каждого из нас будет месяц отпуска летом. VIII. Переведите, используя The Present Perfect Tense. 1. Вы знаете, что они дружат с детства? 2. Я здесь новый человек. Я здесь всего несколько дней. 3. Он пишет, что с октября там стоит плохая погода. 4. Почему здесь так холодно? - Всю ночь было открыто окно. 5. Я не видела ее с тех пор, как она легла в больницу. 6. Сколько времени у них машина? - Они купили ее два года тому назад. 7. Я давно не получал писем от Смирновых. 8. Сколько новых фильмов вы посмотрели с сентября? 9. Вы закончили книгу? - Нет, но с 7 часов я прочитал уже 100 страниц. 10. Давайте пойдем вместе в театр. Мы не были в театре целую вечность.